Titans Recap: When Beast Boy Met [Spoiler].... — What Was Your Favorite Cameo, in the Flesh or Otherwise?

Titans‘ Gar aka Beast Boy made a buncha super friends this week, as the HBO Max series dove deep into the character’s origin and destiny — in an episode co-written by Gar’s portrayer, Ryan Potter, with Geoff Johns.

Said super friends came in the form of a variety of cameos and “cameos,” be they in-person appearances, stock footage, or audio drops.

Gar, when last we saw him, had disappeared from the Temple of Azarath like the other Titans, though he did not end up the same place they did.

Instead, he found himself in an ancient cave, where — guided by the history lesson and teachings of predecessor Freedom Beast (The Good Fight‘s Nyambi Nyambi) — he came to fully appreciate his connection to the Red, the force which connects all animal life and microorganisms in the universes, plural.

Gar’s immersion in that realm first allowed him a window into a universe where he saw Grant Gustin’s Flash speeding by….

Titans Flash Cameo
Titans Flash Cameo

Some stray, crackling lightning appeared to knock Gar out of the Red and into… Blue Valley, Nebraska, landing at the feet of Stargirl (in a delightful and well-spoiled Bec Bassinger’ cameo).

Titans Stargirl
Titans Stargirl

The two bonded some, after which Gar found his way back into the Red zone, and multiple other “windows” opened, allowing peeks at Swamp Thing (a la the one-and-done DC Universe series), Zachary Levi’s Shazam (in a movie clip), Teen Titans Go‘s own Beast Boy (clamoring waffles), and comic book vet/Freedom Beast creator Grant Morrison.

Titans Grant Morrison
Titans Grant Morrison

In addition to those visual nods, the eagle-eared viewers out there also caught dialogue snippets from HBO Max’s Harley Quinn and Joker… Doctor Fate… and Jonathan Kent (Glenn Ford) from Richard Donner’s 1978 Superman film.

Gar’s trippy trip ended with him landing/waking up inside the mansion from Doom Patrol. Victor Stone/Cyborg (Joivan Wade) found him, then called out for Cliff for help….

What was your favorite cameo/”cameo” from the episode “Dude, Where’s My Gar?”?

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