Trump’s Arlington cemetery debacle is one more reason he’s a bad choice for veterans | Opinion

Like many of my military brothers and sisters I served with in Kosovo, I risked my health and safety to keep the peace and make the world a safer place. I still suffer from the toxins we were exposed to on a daily basis while overseas.

We put our wellbeing on the line because we believe that the core values of this country — including freedom, democracy and security — are worthy of selfless service. It’s a belief shared by every American who has answered the call to enlist, and something Donald Trump has proven time and time again he knows nothing about.

When Trump recently attempted to transform the hallowed ground of Arlington National Cemetery into a campaign stop, he again made clear that he has no problem disrespecting our military and exploiting the sacrifices of American servicemembers for his own political gain.

Trump flouted rules and basic decency to convene a photo op at Arlington Cemetery, a site that prohibits the use of photography for political use, to further his presidential campaign.

When an official entrusted with protecting the sanctity of the cemetery stepped in to make clear that not even Trump is above the rules, Trump’s campaign staff reportedly got physical and disgracefully claimed the official was “suffering from a mental health episode.”

This behavior from Trump and his staff is abhorrent but not at all surprising. This is the same man who, as president, reportedly called veterans who died in combat “suckers” and “losers” and refused to be seen with injured soldiers in a military parade, saying “nobody wants to see” that. This is the same man who reportedly decided not to attend a memorial to commemorate World War I soldiers because the rain would ruin his hair. At every turn, Trump puts his own image above respect for our military and our country.

The policies that Trump pursued and still supports are just as bad for military servicemembers, veterans and their families. As president, Trump proposed slashing funds for elderly veterans and left the Department of Veterans Affairs in turmoil after putting his MAGA allies at the helm.

Now, the Project 2025 agenda that a think tank proposed for a second Trump administration threatens to impose even more harm on American veterans and military members. Proposals in the plan would cut funding to the VA, outsource medical care to private companies, and limit which disabilities qualify veterans for benefits – a proposal that would have far-reaching consequences for veterans and their families. Often, these benefits mean the difference between being able to provide for your family or not.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were able to pass the most consequential expansion of veteran benefits in the last 30 years. The Biden-Harris administration has helped reduce veteran homelessness, tackle veteran suicide, and worked to implement programs to protect veterans from claim sharks and fraud.

When I look at Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, I see two candidates with proven records of standing up for the interests of this country, its servicemembers and veterans. As vice president, Harris has led the charge on historic protections for military members and veterans. In the Senate, she voted for key legislation to support our military and as California’s attorney general, she took on for-profit colleges that scammed and exploited veterans.

Walz is a veteran himself, serving for 24 years in the Army National Guard. He chaired the Veterans Affairs Committee in the House and led initiatives to increase funding for the military and increase mental-health resources for veterans.

The records of Harris and Walz stand in stark contrast to Trump’s self-serving agenda. Trump’s disgraceful conduct in Arlington National Cemetery is only the latest proof that he is unfit to lead and protect our troops as commander in chief.

Whether you’re a veteran, an active member of the military or a civilian, this election is the most consequential election of our lifetimes. Harris and Walz are the only candidates in this race who will make good on our nation’s sacred obligation to lead this country by our founding values and give our servicemembers and veterans the respect and resources they deserve on the battlefield and at home.

Danyell Lanier is a U.S. Navy veteran who lives in Fort Worth.

Danyell Lanier
Danyell Lanier

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