Trump’s political theater delights his fans - and motivates Democrats to vote | Opinion

Rod Lamkey Jr./Sipa USA file photo

Donald Trump’s entry into politics marked a shift from traditional political engagement to what can be described as “politainment” — the blending of politics and entertainment. Trump’s background as a reality TV star and his penchant for dramatic, often controversial statements turned political events into spectacles that captured widespread public attention. This shift made politics more accessible and engaging to a broader audience, transforming it into a form of entertainment that people followed with the same fervor as a reality TV show.

The transformation can be seen in the increased attention to political news and events during Trump’s presidency. Theatrics, fearmongering and frequent disinformation became hallmarks of his political strategy. While this approach solidified his base, it also polarized the electorate, leading to heightened political engagement among his opponents. Trump’s social media posts, rallies and constant media presence kept him in the public eye, making it difficult for citizens to ignore the political landscape even if they wanted to.

One of the most significant impacts of Trump’s presidency has been the unprecedented increase in voter turnout. The 2020 presidential election saw a record number of people voting, with 66.8% of eligible voters casting their ballots, the highest rate since 1992. This surge was not limited to any single demographic but was observed across various groups, including young voters, minorities and non-college-educated white people.

The increase in political participation was driven by a combination of factors. For many, the fear of a second Trump term motivated them to vote. Trump’s polarizing rhetoric and policies spurred political activism and mobilization efforts, particularly among groups that had been less politically active in the past. Young voters, in particular, showed a significant increase in turnout, influenced by the broader cultural movements and activism surrounding issues such as climate change, racial justice and health care.

Democratic voters galvanized

Historically, the Democratic Party has struggled with voter turnout, often failing to mobilize its base effectively. However, Trump’s presidency changed this dynamic. The fear and anxiety induced by his potential return to power galvanized Democratic voters, leading to a significant increase in participation. This was evident in the 2020 election, where a broad coalition of voters, motivated by opposition to Trump, turned out in record numbers to support Joe Biden.

This turnaround in Democratic participation is particularly ironic given the party’s longstanding issues with political stagnation. For decades, political experts and academics have debated ways to increase voter engagement among Democrats. Few could have predicted that it would be Trump’s controversial style of politics that would ultimately solve this dilemma. The engagement was not just about voting, but also about increased involvement in protests, grassroots movements and political discussions on social media, all of which were catalyzed by Trump’s polarizing presence.

The paradox of Trump’s influence lies in the dual nature of its impact. On one hand, Trump remains a figure of fear and anxiety for those who don’t support him. His continued presence in politics — whether through public statements, rallies or potential future runs for office — keeps the threat of his return alive. This ongoing fear ensures that political engagement among his opponents remains high. Trump’s brand of politics, which often includes inflammatory rhetoric and the spread of misinformation, keeps his supporters energized but also keeps his detractors vigilant and active.

On the other hand, Trump’s leadership of the Republican Party has led to electoral challenges for the party. Higher voter turnout, driven by anti-Trump sentiment, generally favors Democrats. This was evident in both the 2018 midterms and the 2020 presidential election, where increased participation among traditionally Democratic-leaning demographics helped secure significant victories for the party. The higher the turnout, the more difficult it becomes for Republicans to secure victories, especially in a political climate where demographic changes favor Democrats.

Trump’s polarizing style has had significant implications for independent voters. Independents, who are often swayed by candidates’ policies and personas rather than strict party loyalty, have shown varied reactions to Trump’s approach:

  • Republican disaffection: There is evidence to suggest that some Republicans disillusioned with Trump have shifted their allegiance to independent status rather than aligning with the Democratic Party. This trend reflects a broader discontent with Trump’s style and the direction of the Republican Party under his influence.

  • Non-voting behavior: Additionally, a portion of these disaffected Republicans choose not to vote at all, disenchanted by the political climate and lacking a candidate they feel represents their views. Data from Pew Research Center indicates that voter turnout patterns have fluctuated, with some intermittent voters (those who voted in one election but not another) reflecting this disengagement.

The Robert F. Kennedy Jr. factor

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s third-party candidacy introduces a significant variable into this year’s presidential election. His appeal to some independent voters and his ability to attract support from both major parties make him a noteworthy candidate. However, the challenges of ballot access and the potential spoiler effect remain significant hurdles. The continued rise of independent voters and their increasing influence on election outcomes highlight the importance of understanding and engaging this crucial voter demographic.

The irony of Trump’s influence on American politics is profound. His polarizing and theatrical style has not only reshaped the Republican Party, but has also inadvertently solved the Democratic Party’s longstanding participation dilemma. The increased political engagement and voter turnout driven by anti-Trump sentiment have led to significant electoral challenges for Republicans, creating a paradoxical scenario that continues to shape the political landscape.

As the U.S. moves forward, the legacy of Trump’s impact on political participation will likely endure, influencing how both parties approach elections and engage with voters. The increased involvement of citizens in the political process is ultimately a positive development for democracy, even if it comes with its own set of challenges and ironies. In the end, Trump’s presidency has demonstrated the power of political engagement and the importance of active participation in shaping the future of the nation.

Jeff Robertson has a bachelor’s degree in political science with a minor in sociology from Texas A&M University. He has been a contributing author for the Institute for European Politics and worked in exit polling.