Michigan couple disputes claims made in Netflix docuseries on Twin Flames Universe

A Michigan couple, who claim to have the answer to finding your soulmate, is in the spotlight after a Netflix documentary accusing them of fraud and worse is going viral.

Starting with a single YouTube video, the couple has gone on to create a booming business and relocate from Farmington Hills to a sprawling mansion overlooking Lake Michigan.

Twin Flames Universe, the spiritual mentoring and coaching online community, based its teachings on the trending “twin flame union,” being used by everyone from Frida Khalo and Diego Rivera to Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly to describe their supernatural soul-tie connection.

After a 2020 VICE article attracted the attention of law enforcement, the Farmington Hills Police Department completed a home visit, specifically asking why there were reports of Jeff and his wife Shaleia “brainwashing” people — Jeff couldn’t immediately respond.

“I get asked lots of different questions in a lot of different ways,” Jeff told police. “I just want to make sure that I answer this in a way that you understand so that you’re satisfied. I guess if you could — ask me more — what are you getting at here, like ask me a little deeper. In a different way perhaps.”

While they actively dispute all claims made in the film, sources featured say TFU is growing, and planning to create something eerily similar to the likes of Warren Jeffs, former president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints currently serving a prison sentence for sexual assault. TFU did not immediately respond to emails from The Free Press.

Who are leaders Jeff and Shaleia Ayan?

Jeff, known formerly as Ender Ayanethos, has dubbed himself a self-proclaimed lifestyle guru for more than a decade. After graduating from Western Michigan School of Business in 2011, he moved to Hawaii and began toying around with the idea of creating a group of his own.

“Someone emailed me today saying I should start a cult. Free punch army jungle compound!” he tweeted on Sept. 30, 2012.

It wasn’t long before Jeff found his twin flame, Shaleia, birth name Megan Plante, the two married in 2016 before going on to attempt several self-help businesses, all of which Jeff offers as a solution to the world’s chaos.

Today the pair’s organization Twin Flames Universe embodies the already popular concept of twin flames, dating back to Plato’s Symposium to interpret the boost of serotonin that rushes the brain when in love. A magical feeling some members are saying is being exploited for financial gain and power.

Where are they located?

Jeff and Shaleia owned a home in Farmington Hills where they operated TFU until 2017, when they moved to their current five-bedroom, four-bathroom property in Suttons Bay along Lake Michigan.

The allegations

*Last names of members are withheld for their own protection and were not included in the docuseries*


Former Stanford researcher Elle said she joined TFU after being broken up with by the partner she thought was her soulmate.

Elle said when she told Jeff and Shaleia the story of her ex-boyfriend, she was told that he was her twin flame, regardless of the restraining order he held against her.

Elle said she was encouraged to break the order of protection, and when she was arrested for stalking a year later all she knew to do in her jail cell was recite the Mirror Exercise.

“I was brought into a session and told that the restraining order wasn’t real, it didn’t exist,” Elle said. “I wasn’t in a relationship with him but I was told to believe that I was.”

Psychological manipulation

One of TFU’s founding principles is the “Mirror Exercise,” a distortion of the proven positive technique of “mirror work” used to manipulate users into turning blame inwards when at all possible.

The exercise is used regularly, especially when members come to Jeff and Shaleia looking for an escape from what turned out to be a failed twin flame pairing.

"My partner is abusing me because he hates me" easily turns into "I am abusing my partner because I hate myself," and the cycle of manipulation continues.

This was the exact case for Marlee, who joined TFU at 18 under the advice of her sister, Keely, who had been a member for a year.

Before Marlee knew it, she found herself living with a man Jeff and Shaleia had dubbed her twin flame, but in reality was more than 10 years her senior, a jobless ex-felon, with serious alcohol and anger management issues.

While Marlee was preoccupied with her all-consuming, abusive Twin Flame relationship, Keely’s role in the organization evolved at a rapid speed and before long she found herself an employee of Jeff and Shaleia.

Financial extortion

Classes under Jeff and Shaleia’s Twin Flame Ascension School start at $222 per month and from there, members can take further courses to get certified as coaches, and begin leading their own class of 8 to 10 incoming students.

“We guarantee, if you complete the course, you will be in harmonious union,” Jeff says in an introductory video.

The freedom and flexibility of online communities made it easy for TFU to recruit members across the world and members were encouraged to flaunt their relationships on group pages.

“You’re supposed to tell a love story, like a fairy tale, and then (attribute) those good things to Jeff and Shaleia,” Keely described.

At one point, a GoFundMe was created in Keely and her partner Colby’s name encouraging donations to help the “happy” couple move in together. The campaign raised nearly $7,000.

“We were told in a private phone call what to use the money for, down to the curtains that we were going to buy,” Keely said.

It was then that she was asked to begin making financial decisions on behalf of Jeff Shaleia and TFU.

Jeff pitched the labor as being a tool to find your twin flame but in reality, members found themselves working as the administrative arm of TFU.

“The way Jeff put it, it was selling love. I was spending at least 12 hours a day (on this) without getting paid,” said former member and customer service manager Jessi.

Keely was eventually named CEO, alongside her partner Colby, and it was then when Jeff’s requests became more worrisome.

“One of the tasks as CEO that I had to do was research for Jeff and Shaleia how to structure their businesses so they could pay the least amount of taxes possible,” Keely said.

And in January 2020, the Church of Union was born.

Inducing gender dysphoria

It was around the time Jeff and Shaleia’s focus transitioned to religion that they began teaching their “Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine,” course, which Keely described as the course used to teach members “to accept which gender they should be.”

This was the case for one of the group’s older members, Angie — a 40-year-old bisexual woman desperate to find the eternal soulmate that would fill her life with the happiness she was missing.

When she also became intertwined in a loveless Twin Flame pairing, Jeff and Shaleia told her that her perception of her gender and sexual orientation was the problem, not her male partner.

“They said that my Twin Flame is feminine-acting because I was taking his masculine energy away from him because I was lacking femininity in myself,” Angie said. “So I started to wear dresses and have fresh flowers around my house. I would wear perfume and bright red lipstick.”

What authorities found

Farmington Hills Police said they thoroughly investigated all reports against Jeff, Shaleia, and TFU — only to find a group of willing participants in a lifestyle program, where no crimes were being committed, according to documentation received by The Free Press.

Ongoing operations

During a 2016 house visit by Farmington Hills Police Department, Jeff declined to release the number of members enrolled at TFU, citing private business information.

According to a video of Jeff in “Escaping Twin Flames,” he said his company made $25,000 in its first year, before going on to triple that figure.

On top of Twin Flame Ascension School, Jeff and Shaelia also sold their book and started a host of other similar businesses.

Divine Dish is the meal plan company he created to ensure members are eating the appropriate amounts to draw twin flame energy — Keely reported gaining 70 pounds within nine months of following the strict high-carb diet.

Mind Alignment Process is meant for TFU members suffering from severe PTSD or depression.

Elle says she was then trained on how to “phish” for new MAP participants.

“We were going into PTSD groups, injury groups, fibromyalgia groups,” she said. “We were coached to tell people that it would heal all of their problems.”

Where to stream

"Escaping Twin Flames" can be streamed on Amazon Prime and Netflix.

Jeff and Shaleia, the leaders of Twin Flames Universe who sell online classes that guarantee harmonious union with your destined partner from their Netflix docuseries Escaping Twin Flames.
Jeff and Shaleia, the leaders of Twin Flames Universe who sell online classes that guarantee harmonious union with your destined partner from their Netflix docuseries Escaping Twin Flames.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Twin Flames Universe based in Michigan subject of Netflix docuseries
