Twitter Says This 'Food Disgust Test' Is The New Meyers Briggs

food disgust scale
Is This 'Food Disgust Test' The New Meyers Briggs?IDRlabs / Allison Arnold / kaczor58 / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Trends come and go, but there's something about a good internet quiz that will never go out of style. Aside from identifying personality type, love language, or the best sandwich to make for lunch, another type of quiz is going viral this week—the Food Disgust Sensitivity Test.

The test was recently tweeted by @buttpraxis and gained momentum as other people posted and compared their results. It claims to measure your threshold for taking risks when it comes to food.

The 32-question test was developed by IDRlabs, a company that makes a variety of personality tests. This particular test is based on the Food Disgust Scale, which was created by Dr. Christina Hartmann and Dr. Michale Siegrist and is broken into eight different scales, such as animal flesh, hygiene, and mold. In the end you'll get a chart with explanations of your triggers.

While some of the questions' topics make sense for a test measuring how disgusted you are by food—like moldy bread and seeing hair in food—other questions highlighted potential bias and cultural differences, which Twitter users were quick to point out.

"It is gross to eat raw fish like sushi" and "It is nauseating to have a whole fish, including its head, served to me on my plate" are just two of these prompts that people called out. For many cultures, eating sushi or serving a whole fish is normal, not disgusting. also noted how inaccurate another statement is: "I would never eat those new snacks and dishes that are made from bugs." Dishes that use bugs as ingredients are anything but "new"; they've been around for centuries in some parts of the world.

My results say that my "food disgust is very low." But then again, I love whole roasted fish, very rare steak, chapulines, and chirashi bowls.

So, what do you think of the viral test?

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