Where’s the most dangerous intersection in Fresno? Vote in Bee poll of your nominations

ERIC PAUL ZAMORA/ezamora@fresnobee.com

We asked people last week to nominate the most dangerous intersection in Fresno for a reader poll.

Whether it was because of drivers regularly running red lights, or streets being dimly lit or cars traveling faster than posted speed limits, the intersections listed below were most often mentioned when readers thought about nightmare Fresno crossings.

After sifting through nominations, here’s a compiled short list of the top 30 (in alphabetical order with the street that runs east-west mentioned first):

  • Abby and Harvey

  • Alluvial and Millbrook

  • Ashlan and Clovis

  • Ashlan and Maroa

  • Audubon and Friant

  • Belmont and Palm

  • Bullard and Willow

  • Butler and Clovis

  • Central and Chestnut

  • Clinton and Maple

  • Clinton and Maroa

  • Clinton and Teilman

  • Clinton and Van Ness

  • Clinton and Wishon

  • Gettysburg and Blackstone

  • Herndon and Fruit

  • Herndon and Van Ness

  • Herndon and Willow

  • McKinley and Blackstone

  • Nees and Milbrook

  • Shaw and Golden State

  • Shaw and Maroa

  • Shaw and Polk

  • Shepherd and Friant

  • Shields and Van Ness

  • Sierra and Blackstone

  • Tulare and Divisadero

  • Tulare and Minnewawa

  • Tulare and Willow

  • Ventura and 10th

Now it’s up to you. Scroll down to vote in the poll for the intersection that concerns you most.

First, type “yes” in the box to prove you’re a human and not a some kind of robot.

Keep in mind, as serious of an opinion as you may have, this isn’t exactly scientifically accurate.

Meaning, you can vote as many times as you want. And maybe city officials in power will take notice.

The poll will be up until 3 p.m. Friday, April 26 — with the results coming shortly thereafter.
