While we focus on lie about Haitians eating dogs and cats, MAGA dismantles America

Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a presidential debate with US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 10, 2024.
Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a presidential debate with US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 10, 2024.

Distraction is the goal of this all

So, some people in Springfield are accused of eating their neighbors’ pets. That is a minor problem that can be resolved by the authorities in Springfield.

But the MAGA Republican candidates for president and vice president claimed without evidence that the story is true and put it on the national stage. Now Ohio Republican Attorney General Dave Yost says he is investigating, and anonymous people are threatening to bomb buildings in the city.

People eating pets is just the most recent outrage that the MAGA people want us to be thinking and talking about it.

These are distractions.

MAGA people want us to focus on such things while they complete their assault on the American system of government. Their candidate, former President Donald Trump, has said our elections are rigged, and our Constitution must be replaced.

Ohio is mortified. JD Vance embarrassed us with racist, ridiculous fake news.

MAGA, supported by some obscenely rich people, wants its president to have the power to do anything he wants with no checks and balances from congress or the judiciary, and it is close to succeeding.

For the election this November, concentrate on keeping the United States we have known and loved. If only this once, vote for the Democrats.

Ben Freudenreich, Columbus

Look out, Venezuela

The RINO party’s 2024 presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is counting on returning to the White House to kill four criminal cases that could land him in jail.

However, his recent interview with Elon Musk on X suggests that he may play a further ‘keep-out-of-jail’ card should he fail to take the election.

Specifically, the felon, sexual abuser, and Putin's bro wannabe whined to Musk that he’ll go to Venezuela if he loses “because it’ll be a far safer place” than the US. But Trump’s Venezuela excuse must be met with considerable skepticism given his propensity for taking the 5th and just flat out lying.

Furthermore, Venezuela is under a travel advisory due to crime, wrongful detentions, terrorism, and poor health infrastructure.

Thus, Trump’s interest in Venezuela likely is much more about its lack of an extradition treaty with the U.S. than about any fear of how unsafe the U.S. will become under the Harris administration.

11 cartoons: Hook, line and crowd size. Kamala Harris, Donald Trump presidential debate

Despite his gaslighting in the interview, it sure looks like Trump is eying Venezuela for insurance against possible incarceration from the criminal cases that would be kept after him if he lost the election.

Ralph von Frese, Columbus

Facts are not necessary in Donald Trump's world

For the MAGA folks who support Trump it is a matter of faith; there is no point in criticizing them for their belief.

Anything that is a matter of faith is not grounded in objective logic; they believe because they believe. It is similar to all religions. Their belief gives them comfort and commonality of purpose.

In politics, the problem with operating strictly based upon faith is it can lead to denial of reality and an exercise in willful ignorance. Any fact that runs counter to such faith is considered a lie or simply not valid; no amount of logic and objective fact-checking data changes anything in the mind of such people.

Former President Donald Trump and too many Republicans feel free to lie because they know it does not matter to their supporters; they appeal to some of the worst aspects of the human condition and believers take it as truth because the words ring true to their preconceived biases.

Facts are not necessary when beliefs are grounded in emotion instead of critical thinking.

Trump and Senator J.D. Vance are telling you who and what they are. Ask yourself, is this who you are as well? I hope not.

Steven Donatone, Dublin

Ohio looked terrible

Did you watch the debate? Could you believe it?

Our own Springfield, Ohio, certainly was highlighted and not at all in a positive light. Haitians stealing and eating people's pets? This in a presidential debate?

Ironic that this comment was made the very day Gov. Mike DeWine mentioned the problem with the Haitian population of Springfield.

'Nobody's eating cats. Nobody's eating dogs.' John Legend says Haitian immigrants deserve grace

Sen. JD Vance believes this ludicrous lie to be true. Is DeWine of the same belief? Was any other Ohioan in disbelief that our elected officials portrayed Ohio in such a ridiculous, racist way? I had heard about this earlier in the day, but never imagined it would be a talking point in the debate.

My son wasn't murdered. Stop using Aiden Clark's death to vomit hate about immigrants.

Do we really want a president and vice president who take such ideas seriously? Imagine how easily they can be played by the leaders they look up to. Can we really trust them with the fate of our country? Vote for people who don't fall for such fake news and have the best interest of we the people. Our country depends on it!

Pat Rhoads, Columbus

Issue 1 will usher in fairness

Issue 1, which will be on the Ohio ballot in November, proposes providing a new structure for drawing our electoral maps. Instead of politicians drawing the maps, a group of citizens made up of five Independents, five Republicans, five Democrats will draw new maps that fairly represent Ohio voters.

None of the 15 people selected (by four retired judges, two Republicans and two Democrats) can be related to, or lobbied for, politicians in either party for the past six years. Republican Maureen O’Conner, the former chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, has helped write this proposed amendment to create fair voting maps in Ohio.

The important thing to know is that voting Yes on Issue 1 supports a fair and transparentprocess for developing fair representative maps for the future.

Jill Becker, Yellow Springs

Check your voter status immediately

Dear Buckeyes, please check your voter registration.

I used my mobile phone and it said I was NOT registered. I vote in every election and have lived at the same address for decades and have always had a current drivers license.

Secretary of State Frank LaRose is not reliable or honest and here we are facing a critical election with him purging voters. The deadline for registering is just weeks away. Check your voting status now and get registered ASAP.

Virginia Bicknell, Columbus

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Trump's sudden concern for Springfield's dogs and cats a distraction
