Woman Shocked When Baby American Kestrel Perches on Her Head For 20 Minutes

Neil Bowman/Shutterstock

Even though most animal encounters happen from a distance, they're some of the most special interactions a person can have. Whether it's spotting a rare bird while on a hike or watching a raccoon skitter across the backyard, even a second-long encounter can make your day. Any animal lover would know!

If you're especially lucky, a wild animal might even stick around for a while. There are plenty of folks who have gone viral on social media after making friends with animals,  but now a woman named Lindsey can add herself to the list. On July 27, she posted a TikTok video from her once-in-a-lifetime encounter with a baby American Kestrel, and it's racked up over 2 million views so far! She's appropriately shocked to be a perch for this young bird, but the moment lasted long enough for Lindsey to get plenty of adorable video proof.

OMG--how cool is that? I expected a tiny bird to land on her head for a split second, but this is a good-sized bird who stayed for over 20 minutes! If the bird had started singing or if Lindsey were wearing a gown, I would say this is a modern Disney Princess story!

Related: Bird Making Nest on Family's Front Door Is Straight Out of a Fairytale

This tiny bird of prey didn't just perch on this woman's head, either. He was "stretching, preening, and stretching," just like commenter @there.in.the.trees0o0 pointed out. "Girl, he's comfy!" No kidding! If he'd stayed any longer, he would've had to start nesting (which would've been bad news for her hair).

Thankfully, there was just enough time for Lindsey to FaceTime with a friend who was just as shocked as one would imagine. It's priceless!

LOL! Lindsey's friend Raena is flabbergasted at the sight of this wild bird perched on her friend's head. I would be, too! American Kestrels aren't as commonly seen as other birds like ravens and crows, which only added to the shock value. This video is entertainment and education all in one!

What Is an American Kestrel?

If you think this bird looks like a miniature falcon, you're not completely wrong. The American Kestrel is the smallest bird of prey, and it's a member of the falcon family. They're found all over North America, and their diet consists largely of insects like grasshoppers. They may also hunt lizards, crayfish, frogs, worms, and even small rodents.

While the bird that met Lindsey wasn't in a hunting mood, it's important to remember that these tiny birds are still birds of prey. They're wild animals that deserve plenty of persona space, except, of course, when they perch on your head.

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