“Nude” Raw Oysters with Sauces

Serving size:4
Total Time:
“Nude” Raw Oysters with Sauces


  • 36 fresh raw oysters
  • horseradish, either freshly grated or from a fresh bottle of prepared horseradish
  • ketchup
  • lemon wedges
  • Mignonette Sauce (recipe follows)
  • Tabasco sauce, or other liquid hot pepper sauce


Either have the oysters shucked at the fish market or shuck them yourself. Arrange on a large platter on crushed ice.

Place the horseradish, ketchup, lemon wedges, and Mignonette Sauce in separate small bowls, but leave the hot pepper sauce in the bottle. Suggest that guests dress their oysters as they desire. Slurp and eat.

Mignonette Sauce Sampler:

Classic Mignonette: One tablespoon minced shallots stirred into 1⁄3 cup white wine or champagne vinegar, with cracked black pepper added to taste.

Mango Mignonette: Add about 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh mango or papaya.

Cranberry Mignonette: Add 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh cranberries and a pinch of sugar.

Herb Mignonette: Add 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro, parsley, or tarragon.

Jalapeño Mignonette: Add about 2 teaspoons chopped jalapeño or other fresh hot chili.

Ginger Mignonette. Add about 2 teaspoons minced or grated fresh gingerroot.

Recipe from Dishing up Maine by Brooke Dojny/Storey Publishing, 2011.